John Duke Coleridge, 1st Baron Coleridge wrote that “It would not be correct to say that every moral obligation involves a legal duty; but every legal duty is founded on a moral obligation."


We offer 24/7 attendance at police stations and courts.

Crimes can be deliberate or occur as a result of negligence, for instance where the perpetrator has a duty of care towards the victim (eg a parent towards a child).

There are four broad categories of crime:

  • Personal - crimes against a person/s
  • Property - crimes against property
  • Inchoate - crimes committed to commit another crime (eg conspiracy to murder).
  • Statutory - crimes against the government

Several Acts cover Criminal Law, including the Serious Crime Act 2007, the Criminal Law Act 1977 and the Criminal Justice Act 1977.

Being accused of a crime can be a frightening and life-changing experience.  Everyone is entitled to representation at every stage, from interview by police, through to court attendance and sentencing.  If you have been accused of a crime and need representation please call us.

We have a duty solicitor and deal with all types of crimes, including fraud, drugs-related offences, benefits fraud, assaults, assaults causing serious injury and many other types of crimes.

We can talk you through the process so it is understandable and ensure that you are properly represented.  We are here to protect you.